Reach More Customers With Our Consumer Email List

Did you know that email marketing is considered the most effective marketing channel? In fact, for every dollar spent on email marketing, there is an average ROI of $42. Whether you are new to email marketing or want to expand because you’ve experienced the success of email marketing, our consumer email list is perfect for you. Containing comprehensive data points, our email lists are highly accurate. These data points will also help you implement strategies that bring a higher return like segmenting, personalization, and micro-targeting.
The reason email marketing is so effective for businesses is multifold. First, email marketing is the most affordable marketing channel. You don’t need to invest in extra software or labor unless you want. You can simply use your existing email and mail merge. Secondly, email marketing helps you stay in constant contact with your customer base. This ensures your brand name is always at the front of their minds. Email marketing is the best method to bring in new customers and retain your current customers. Finally, email marketing ensures that you are speaking directly with your customers.
Our consumer email list is ideal for business-to-consumer (B2C) marketers looking to expand their reach. Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing provides the highest quality leads lists on the market. Like all of our contact lists, our consumer email list is thoroughly vetted to ensure the highest degree of accuracy. It is regularly updated and verified by our data engineering staff to always contain the most current information. Further, we use certification systems like the NCOA (National Change of Address) and the CAAS (Certified Address Accuracy System) to ensure that every field is correct.

Is Our Email Contact List Right For Your Business Needs?

Our email contact list was designed for B2C marketers that are looking to connect with interested buyers. Our email list contains more than just name and contact information. All of our lists come with comprehensive demographic, psychographic, and lifestyle information. This information is valuable to not only segment, target, and personalize your email messaging. It is also very helpful for you to understand more about your customer base and build more effective buyer personas. If your company goals are to reach more potential customers, expand brand awareness, and increase sales, our consumer email contact list is a great fit for you.

What Are The Benefits Of Purchasing A Consumer Email Contact List?

There are many benefits to buying an email contact list from a high-quality leads list provider like Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing including:

1. Reach A Larger Audience

The number one thing every business wants to do is grow its customer base. However, reaching people in geographic areas beyond your own can be a challenge, even with all the online marketing channels available. An email leads list will help you connect with a larger audience outside of your normal region. With an email leads list, you can easily choose what demographics, areas, or lifestyle factors you wish to target. You can also gauge the interest of demographics outside of your buyer personas. You can discover new markets and grow your market share.

2. Grow Your Business

Email marketing has a very high ROI. So the more you invest in email marketing, the faster you can grow your business. Email contact lists to help you turn contacts into leads and leads into sales. Consumer email contact lists generate qualified leads, drive traffic to your website, and increase your conversion rates. It will also help you build your brand recognition, define your target audience, and learn what marketing messaging is most effective–all of which can lead to more business growth.

3. Save Time, Money, And Company Resources

Lead generation is a very costly and time-consuming process. Researching, prospecting, verifying, personalizing, and reaching out takes away from more valuable activities like building customer relationships and closing deals or selling products. With an email leads list, you can easily skip all that extra work and get just straight to selling. The best part is that you will save time, money, and resources that can be used to grow your business.

4. Spend Less Of Your Budget On Marketing

When you buy a consumer email list from a high-quality, reputable leads list provider like Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing, you will save on your other marketing efforts. Rather than spending all your budget on inbound marketing strategies hoping to connect with the right customers, you can directly reach out to them. In turn, you will save money and have a higher ROI on your sales and marketing efforts.

5. Beat Out Your Competitors

The fact of the matter is the largest, most successful corporations use leads lists. They know the value of email marketing. They spend billions every year and use a significant amount of their marketing resources to optimize this part of their sales funnel. To stay competitive against both the big guys and the smaller ones, you need to be buying lead lists. The ROI alone will position you with a serious competitive advantage.
These are just some of the benefits of email marketing. You will also increase your website traffic, improve your search engine optimization (SEO), and increase your search engine ranking position (SERP) which will result in generating even more business. Further, there are numerous non-monetary benefits including:

  • Improve your brand visibility
  • Expand your brand recognition
  • Build trust with your customer base
  • Position your business as an industry authority
  • Start valuable conversations in your industry
  • Learn what marketing messaging is the most valuable
  • Increase product and service awareness
  • Improve your company reputation

These benefits all show why the ROI on email marketing with our consumer email leads list is so very high. If you want to experience these benefits, contact our account representatives now to learn more about our consumer email leads list.

Industries That Can Benefit From Our Email Leads List

Every B2C business can benefit from our consumer email leads list. Here are just a few of the industries that could benefit from utilizing this list:

Apps And Consumer Software

If you’ve developed an app for consumers, marketing on app platforms like the App Store and Google Play can only take you so far. The app market is very competitive and so it’s really hard to stand out against everyone else on these platforms. Ditch the competition and reach out directly to your potential customers. You’ll be able to grab their attention, show the features of your app, and get more people to download it.

Apparel, Accessories, And Shoes

Connecting directly with consumers is essential for all retailers. This is especially true for those in competitive industries like fashion. With our consumer email list, you’ll be able to easily reach more customers to showcase your looks and sell your clothing, jewelry, and shows.


Our consumer email contact list is ideal for automobile manufacturers and dealers because you will communicate directly with your buyers. It’s also ideal for manufacturers of automotive products like tires, car wash and wax, and car gadgets. This list is also an excellent sales leads list for automotive tool manufacturers as well.

Financial Services Providers

Financial service providers like bankers, tax professionals, and wealth managers benefit greatly from this list. By reaching out directly to consumers, they can consider options outside of their current providers that may be more beneficial to their finances. Our consumer email contact list is also perfect for credit card providers and loan officers.

Food And Beverage

Email marketing is an excellent way to introduce new foods and beverages because you can include photos and videos of the products. This builds interest in your brand and increases your conversion rates. It’s also ideal for meal kits, food service delivery providers, and specialty food shops.

Home Goods, Decor, And Furnishings

Home decor is a highly competitive field, with most of the landscape dominated by major players. Our consumer email leads list can help your home decor business get a competitive advantage. You’ll be able to give recipients a tour of your products without the noise of the competition.


Whether you develop computer video games, console video games, or smartphone apps, the best way to earn new players is to connect directly with them. Email marketing is an excellent sales channel to connect game developers with players. It offers you not only a way to let people know about your games, but showcase examples like screenshots and video clips.

Insurance Providers

Home, auto, and life insurance providers all benefit from our consumer list. As services that everyone needs, insurance is a highly competitive market. The best way to grow your insurance practice is to connect directly with consumers, build your name recognition, and showcase your competitive advantages. All of this can be accomplished with a solid email marketing campaign using our consumer leads list.

Travel & Hospitality

Everyone needs to get away now and then. Whether you are a major chain of hotels, a boutique short-term rental, an airline, or a travel agency, this email list is a great option to expand your brand and connect with travelers. This list features both individuals who travel for business and pleasure. The best part is if you create a compelling enough email, people who may not be interested now will save your email for when they are.

Tech Gadgets

Tech gadgets often solve the most common problems we share. That is why creating opportunities to show off your tech gadgets and their benefits is the best way to sell them. Our email leads list puts you right in front of interested customers, allowing you to show how their lives can be improved by your products.

Vitamins, Supplements, And Weight Loss Diets

Most consumers are worried about whether or not they are getting enough nutrients, while others are looking for health and wellness benefits like weight loss and muscle growth. If you’re in the health nutrition space, our email leads list is perfect. You’ll connect directly with your target customers and be able to showcase all the incredible benefits of your product.
These are just some of the industries that can benefit from our consumer email leads list. If you’re not sure if this is right for your business, contact us. Our helpful account representatives will guide you to the right leads list for your industry, target market, and business goals.

Nine Tips For Sending Emails That Convert

To get the most out of our email leads list, here are nine tips to help you get the highest ROI from your email marketing efforts:

1. Define Your Goals:

Think about what your primary goal is with your marketing campaign. Get specific. “Getting more customers” is not a functional goal. Instead, try “Increase sales for a certain product.” Then you can begin making a plan that will convert.

2. Segment Your List:

Using the demographic, psychographic, and lifestyle data points included in our consumer email list, break your list up into like-minded groups that match your buyer personas. Then create messaging specific to the groups’ needs.

3. Make A Plan For A/B Testing:

A/B testing is when you create two separate messages. You send one to half of your list and one to the other half of your list. Whichever email does better contains more effective messaging. Applying this information to your next email campaign will help you continue to increase your ROI email after email.

4. Write An Attention-Grabbing Subject Line:

Did you know that 47% of people will not open an email based on the subject line alone? That’s why you must make sure that you write an eye-catching, compelling subject line. Creating urgency, evoking emotion, and personalizing can all optimize your email subject line.

5. Optimize Your Preview Text:

Email preview text is the few sentences you see before opening the email. Optimizing this text with enticing copy can help increase your open rate. So don’t skip this part!

6. Personalize Your Message

Personalization is an effective strategy. Most marketers tend to personalize using the contact’s first name. However, with our consumer email list, you are provided with tons of information you can use to personalize the email. For example, you can personalize with their location, age, or even interests. This is called “deep personalization” and it’s a strategy that you can only use when you have a comprehensive email leads list like those provided by Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing.

7. Keep It Short And Sweet

Did you know the ideal email length is only between 50-125 words? After that, people just stop reading. Unless you are sending a newsletter, keep your emails short and to the point. You’ll see higher engagement and conversion rates on your sends.

8. Always Include A Call To Action (CTA)

No matter your value proposition, potential customers need to know what to do next. That is your CTA. A CTA is essentially a set of instructions that tell your customers how to activate your offer. This can be a link, it can be a contact form, and it can be a request to reply. Make sure your CTA is highly visible and easy to use.

9. Track Analytics

Finally, track your email analytics. Important analytics include open rate, click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate. Understanding these will help you refine your segmenting, personalization, and messaging to ensure that you are sending the most effective email campaigns.

Following these nine tips will ensure that you get the most out of our customer email contact list.

Why Choose Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing For Your Leads Lists

Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing was founded in Las Vegas. As a certified service-disabled veteran-owned business (SDVOB), we understand the importance of trust. That is why all of our leads lists are fully vetted and verified by our team. We use national certification systems like the NCOA (National Change of Address) and the CAAS (Certified Address Accuracy System) on all our leads lists. All of our lists are sent through several screening checks to ensure the highest accuracy of the information and to protect your email reputation.
We also follow strict data collection protocols that include only individuals who have opted into the list. They contain contact information like name, location, and email, as well as, all the lifestyle information you need to target and personalize your emails. We have one of the largest databases on the market and offer email lead lists for almost every industry.

A Leads List Provider You Can Trust

We believe that our success is your success. Contact us when you are to get started growing your business. Our helpful account representatives at Sprint Data Solutions Worldwide Marketing provide personalized service. We’ll make sure the list you purchase is right for your marketing goals. Further, we will walk you through all the data points. You’ll understand not only what they are but how to capitalize on them to improve your sales. Finally, we’ll happily answer any questions to ensure the highest possible success rate.